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Useful links for sales managers

Institute of Sales & Marketing Management

The Institute of Sales & Marketing Management (ISMM) is the Uk’s only professional body for salespeople. Founded in 1966 to promote standards of excellence in sales and sales management and to enhance the status and profile of sales as a profession, the ISMM has been the authoritative voice of selling and the custodian of sales standards, ethics and best practice for over 35 years.

The ISMM is also responsible for establishing benchmarks of professionalism in sales. It is the only membership body accredited by the Qualifications & Curriculum Authority (QCA) to award nationally-recognised qualifications in selling and sales management.

ISMM members are drawn form every sector of industry and commerce. From those just embarking upon a sales career through to senior and experienced sales managers and directors, they share a commitment to upholding the standards of professionalism and integrity that are all hallmarks of sales success.

Business Link: What kind of grants are available?

The main groups who award grants are:

  • The government
  • The European Union
  • Regional Development Agencies in England, Scottish Enterprise, the Welsh Development Agency and Invest Northern Ireland
  • Local authorities or local councils and local development agencies

For more information, search our Grants and Support Directory of grants, advice and other support.

Grant for Business Investment (GBI)

A grant under GBI is for the acquisition of key assets such as buildings, machinery and equipment, and to help create new jobs or safeguard existing ones. GBI is part of a range of support offered through the government’s new Solutions for Business portfolio. This portfolio is still being developed.

See our page on the government’s new Solutions for Business portfolio.

In Scotland, this is called the Grant for Regional Selective Assistance (RSA). You can read about RSA grants on the Scottish Business Grants website.

In Northern Ireland, this is called the Enterprise NI Loan Fund (ENILF). You can find out about the ENILF on the Enterprise NI website.

Businesses based in areas classified as assisted areas and in other areas as designated by the Regional Development Authorities (in England) may benefit from a grant if they stimulate regional development, urban regeneration or an improvement in employment prospects. Read about the Grant for Business Investment on the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) website.

You can find grants that your business might be eligible for and get free information and advice from your local Business Link. Find your local Business Link through our Contacts Directory.

Federation of Small Businesses

Our lobbying arm – led by the Westminster Press and Parliamentary office – applies pressure on MPs, Government and Whitehall and puts the FSB viewpoint over to the media. The FSB also has Press and Parliamentary Offices in Glasgow, Cardiff and Belfast to lobby the devolved assemblies. Policy Managers work alongside Regional Development Agencies to further FSB influence at a regional level.

In addition, Member Services is committed to delivering a wide range of high quality, good value business services to members of the FSB. These services will be subject to continuing review and will represent a positive enhancement to the benefit of membership of the Leading Business Organisation in the UK.